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Deleting Club Page Doesn't Delete Just Generates an Error

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I experienced this bug last night and knew that IPS would want me to reliably duplicate the error. I installed fresh on 4 different test sites.  The only configuring I did was to setup a Cron job and to name the site in the "General Configuration" screen.  i did not install any plugins or other marketplace apps.

I went ahead and created a test club on all 4 test sites and then proceeded to create multiple "Pages".  I then attempted to delete them by doing this:

Could contain: Text, File

The following screen popped up.  I went ahead and clicked on the "OK" button.

Could contain: Text

An error message is consistently displayed. A screenshot will be provided below.

I created "Pages" and attempted to delete them multiple times on the install.  I then went ahead and deleted all of the clubs and error messages from the ACP.  I then updated to 4.7 Beta 8.

I created 4 different Test Clubs on each of the 4 test sites and proceeded to create lots of "Pages" and attempted to delete them.  I consistently get the error noted above.  All told I tried deleting 40 different "Pages" with the same errant result.

These are all on test-install sites, so you don't have access details in the ACP.  If you want to take a look at any of my sites let me know and I can provide you with login details.

Edited by Chris Anderson
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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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As we don't know the extent of the problem related to "Pages" it's hard to gauge this bug's potential negative impact on other club functionality or third-party apps that integrate with Clubs.  Some guidance from your development team on this issue would certainly be appreciated by developers and customers alike. 

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5 minutes ago, Chris Anderson said:

As we don't know the extent of the problem related to "Pages" it's hard to gauge this bug's potential negative impact on other club functionality or third-party apps that integrate with Clubs.  Some guidance from your development team on this issue would certainly be appreciated by developers and customers alike. 

I'm sorry but we do not typically advise on bugs when they are submitted, we usually take it internally, review it, and resolve it in our development workflow. You can watch the release notes for when this resolution makes it into a release.

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I've done some extensive testing of clubs over the past week and noticed some anomalous behavior around the use of "Pages" other than not being able to delete them. Not sure if this is due to other club code interacting with the "Pages" code or the anomalous behavior is only related to the "Pages" code. So, it's in the realm of possibility that there might be one known issue as noted above and another one yet to be fully identified.

If the developers are already reviewing the club code, they might keep in mind that there may be something else amiss and be more mindful with their review. They might spot something they might have otherwise overlooked if they were solely focused on addressing the bug I initially reported. 


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This has been resolved in the recently released 4.7..1 version of the platform. Please upgrade to that version if you are experiencing this issue, and if you still have any problems, please let us know.

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