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Social Media Promotion deprecated roles


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The following error pops up when I attempt to enable the Facebook Social Media Promotion function. Following the link you'll find that these permissions where deprecated, and if you had an old app it would continue to work until August 2022. No new apps however.

Invalid Scopes: manage_pages, publish_pages. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions
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It’s unfortunate because from what IPS Staff seemed to be saying, they won’t fix the problem (and may even remove Facebook functionality in the Promote feature soon, meaning it is only good for Our Picks and Twitter..?). Because Facebook’s constantly changing API and something about Zapier doing something vaguely similar.

On the surface I get what they’re saying, but thinking about it I think it’s a mistake to ignore it because I really like the Promote feature and would love for the team to build on it with more social media account support (promoting to Instagram, Discord accounts, etc)!

I have found it to be a really powerful and useful tool to syndicate promotions across social media accounts - especially when promoting nodes that don’t offer opengraph images (like Topics/Posts), I can instead choose to upload an image that will be used for Twitter cards instead.

I think replacing Facebook support for Promote with Zapier instead is a downgrade, goes against the goal of having an all-in-one community solution and makes me feel like they’re just going to forget about the Promote feature which is really quite sad.

I hope they reconsider.

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I was able to fix integration by swapping out the perms in the code base with the new ones. By my understanding I don't need approval for the FB app if I leave it in developer mode and use it with my own accounts.

The Zapier intergration is nice & easy, but with a free account you're unable to set limits like "if forum id =" or remove the HTML markup. At $240/yr or $30/mo that's a hard pill.

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The problem is that the big social media companies have zero loyalty to their users or those of us that would like to integrate with their platforms.  They giveth access one week and pull it the next with little to no notice or exclamation.  That means integrations have an extremely short shelf life.  Then you factor in the fact that they randomly revoked access at the individual level on what seems like a whim.

When things go amiss IPS is likely the one blamed when they are trying to be helpful to us.  



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Unfortunately, as mentioned in the topic you linked above, it's become very difficult (if not impossible) to get facebook promotion set up these days. The problem we have is simply that facebooks API changes so much, and getting approval is harder and harder with each of their releases

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