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Community site keeps redirecting to login page when https is enforced

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I have enabled https in my community configuration and my site has a valid certificate. If I enforce https on my WordPress site and I click on the community link, the page just keep reloading and redirecting to the login page. This issue does not happen if I use https without enforcing it in WordPress.

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The base_url is already configured to https in the conf_global.php file: 

'base_url' => 'https://members.addictedtoroi.com/community/',
I posted the screenshot to show that I am not using a .htaccess file that might be causing any issues (I should have stated that in the description)
Edited by Jennifer Beadles
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This being the case, unfortunately you will need to contact your hosting company to see what exactly is redirecting. As its only redirecting when you change wordpress configuration, its very likely there is an htaccess in a directory lower than your community directory that is causing this.

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