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Uploading animated GIF avatars throws "list length exceeds limit" error


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When uploading animated GIF avatars, the following error appears in a dialog box:

Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file.
(Error code: list length exceeds limit `/tmp/imagickkIzfnL' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3694)

This isn't specific to one avatar, but seems to be happening across the board (though only with GIFs). The system log doesn't have any more details except that it's an "InvalidArgumentException::400". I'm running PHP 7.4 and IPS, if that helps. Hoping someone might have seen this before and know what's going on?

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On 5/20/2022 at 8:15 AM, Jim M said:

Don't believe Imagemagick can handle animated gifs still at this point in time. If this is a requirement of your site, you'll want to switch to GD to handle animated gifs.

Switching to GD did get things working generally, so thank you for that.

That said, we've used ImageMagick for a number of years and never had this issue prior. Also, in Image Settings the description for IM is:


ImageMagick is an advanced image manipulation program available on some hosts. It provides benefits over the GD library such as more efficient handling of very large images and the ability to retain animation in resized animated gifs. This option requires the ImageMagick PHP Extension to be installed on your server.

So it seems like there might be something else going on with that?

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3 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Most likely an update to imagemagick/PHP - have the same myself on my site, just started happening a week ago. Prior to that, no issues - and zero changes from an Invision point of view.

Ahh sucks that you're dealing with the same issue, but reassuring that I'm not the only one seeing it.

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