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don't receive email notification

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I have several issue with my forum and notification.

1. the users don't receive an email notification when they are tagged in a post. Which is the biggest problem.

2. the users don't automatically follows topics they have submitted

3. as the admin, I don't receive notification by email neither .


here is a screenshot of my setting (it is in french but i guess it is the same very were :

"member automatically follow content they have created and commented"

"email (= courriel) is activated by default".



as you can see on the next screenshot, if someone write a comment, he  had to click "follow this topic" (= suivre ce sujet). He does not follow it by default even if in my setting I selected that they follow by default all the topic they comment.....  Why ?




thank you very much for your help

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Those are the defaults that you are setting. It will not reset it for all users unless you select "Reset all members to default preferences" in the top right of the notifications page in the admin CP. I believe this is likely what you are missing here. If the user wants to switch it themselves, they can do so from their own notification options on the front end

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Hi @Marc Stridgen

I am sorry but in fact, my members still report a problem.

In addition to my admin account, I have created another "normal user" account to test everything out.

With my testing account, I do receive an notification email when I tagged this account in a topic.

However, yesterday evening, my members told me they did not receive any notification email even if I had tagged them.

I don't understand why.

Do you have any idea/suggestion?

Best regards

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if I tagg @orelie - essences d'elles. Orelie received an notification by email to tell her that someone tagged her in a topic and to invit her to check it out.


If I tagg @marie-josée ou @aida (with their full name, I don't put them here for privacy reason), they don't receive an email notification.


Do you understand what I mean?


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2 hours ago, Aurélie Grignard said:

Hi @Marc Stridgen I kept my investigation ongoing and apparently the email notification ended up in the spam folder for all of them (around 10 members) 😨. Anyway to get the notification more "spam proof"?

You will want to check with your hosting or email provider to ensure they have set your email sending up correctly so that your server is authorized for sending mail completely. I'm afraid, this is a tricky subject which is centered largely around the server/email service.

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