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change server and transfe and change url

Go to solution Solved by ayuki,

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I created a ticket because I'm changing server my domain name is changing to a new IP address but the forum is in the root (www) not in the "forum" folder now and I have license key test in this IP at the moment.

The new /ip install has a test license key and the old one has my license, I have "Invalid license key" because I moved the "/ips" folder to the root (to solve the main page bug and other) on the test server which will become my main site .

I find it extremely complicated to change the license urls even by creating a ticket, the site transfer is more complicated options to make the changes automatically by writing the new urls or deleting the test one later would be welcome.

The risk of error with a bad redirect of the url of the license is high for me. I will provide feedback to follow up on this post so that some users can prepare for a similar case for them.


simple explication :

actual site=>>>http://domainname.com/forum (license)

new site=>>>>http://ip/  (license test)




actual site =>>>>http://domainname.com/forum =>>>http://ip/forum (license key test)

new site=>>>>>http://ip/=>>>>http://domainname.com/  (license )


i hope change license key today ^^

Edited by ayuki
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This is intentionally not automated. The licensing is there to ensure people are not abusing the licensing process. I must admit to being extremely confused by your statement that its extremely difficult to change, even with a ticket, as I am seeing no tickets on your account.

I have created a ticket for you on your behalf. Respond to that with exactly what you need, and we can get it sorted for you. 

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  • Solution

I did not see the ticket but I was able to perform a reset with the client zone in my site, something that I had not been able to do the day before.

For information, a change of url is free after it is paying $15 to avoid abuse.

By putting my key in the new site everything went well the license is detected and the new location of the domain name too.


On the other hand, I don't see all of your ticket on the site in the client area, which worries me before, I didn't have this problem.

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43 minutes ago, ayuki said:

On the other hand, I don't see all of your ticket on the site in the client area, which worries me before, I didn't have this problem.

Glad you were able to perform a reset. Sorry, tickets would only be able to be seen in your email inbox. Please ensure that the email address on file in the Client Area is up to date.

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