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Pages - PHP MySQL integration

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Hey Guys

Just seeing if this is possible before i add Pages to my current forum.

I would like to add a section to my site where i can add a form where users can fill out and it be saved to the sql database. The form will need to be an advanced form with sliders and be able to enter times and countries.


I would then like to made another page that displays database entry’s and another page to filter results, for example filter data by country or time.


Thank You


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I would like users to all to add a car setup for a pc game. ie Front Suspicion, Rear Suspension with the form having the options available using a slider. The user also adds the setup to a track ie USA, Australia with a lap time.

Then want to make a page were users can filter by track or by team.

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So the slider in your eyes for example would be between some range of numbers or words; e.g. from like 1 to 5?

Unfortunately, we do not have sliders. There are drop downs, checkboxes, etc... A developer may be able to create a UI for a slider from one of these items but we do not offer it natively or would provide support for that customization, I'm afraid.


The rest of what you're asking about with a form to insert this information and displaying records from the MySQL database are what Pages is good for. You can kind of see a walk-through build of a Pages Database here: 


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