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Restrict Form Access Based on Memberpress Levels in Wordpress

Brian Heg

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Hi - 

1) I have a self-hosted IP Board license that I use for my Wordpress site

2) I will have two membership levels, one of which provides access to the entire IP Board Forums, and another that provides access to only one Forum

3) Am I able to restrict access to the forums based on membership levels assigned in Memberpress--which is the membership plugin I use within Wordpress?

I did a search here and was only able to find this post from a few years ago and was curious if there were any recommendations on how I could solve for the issue above. 

Thanks in advance for your help!


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You would need something that integrates IPB and Memberpress. I don’t see any plugins specifically designed for IPB 4.6.X so you would either need to develop it yourself or hire a 3rd party developer to do it for you. 

Once integrated, you would define an IPB member group for each membership level and map them to each other. However again, until you create an integration first… this is not possible. (It’s not a default/stock IPB feature.)

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There is no way in which to do this using the stock features of the platform. However if you take a look in the marketplace, you may well find something there which is suitable for your purposes. I believe there is one names Wordpress SSO that does this. You would however need to check with the author to make sure it suits your need

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Thanks @Marc Stridgen for confirming and for mentioning the Wordpress SSO plugin. That is the plugin I was able to research before I made the post, and is included in the link of the original post--so it is good we are talking the same thing. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. @Randy Calvert- I also appreciate you chiming in and confirming as well about this not being a standard feature. Thanks again!

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