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IPS.Commerce 4.6.10 : Bug with Stripe and country « France Metropolitan »

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi Invision,

IPS.Commerce allows us to choose the country « France Metropolitan » as a customer address.
This country code is « FX » in IPS.Commerce.

However, when trying to make a Stripe payment with this country, there is an error:



It turns out that Stripe refuses this country, as you can see in their log:




Stripe error message is:

invalid_request_error - billing_details[address][country]

Country 'FX' is unknown. Try using a 2-character alphanumeric country code instead, such as 'US', 'EG', or 'GB'. A full list of country codes is available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements



=> FX country code is unknown.

The solution would be to remove the FX country code in IPS.Commerce.
That wouldn't be a big deal, because no one uses it: all French people uses France (country code FR) as their country.

Thank you!


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20 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

This issue has been resolved in 4.6.12, which has just been release. Please let us know if you still have any issues once you have upgraded to that release.

Hi Marc,

In the 4.6.12 Commerce releases notes, it is indicated:

  • Removed the FX country code for france.


However, the address form field uses the values from \IPS\GeoLocation::$countries

And in the 4.6.12 version of \IPS\GeoLocation, we can see at line 105:

		'FX', // France, Metropolitan


=> The FX code has not been removed.

As a result, when adding / modifying an address, the « France, Metropolitan » country is still here:



Therefore, I think the issue with Stripe will still happen.

Thank you,

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