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Banner Ads not fully loading since last Upgrade

Allen Bradford
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I noticed Banner ads weren’t loading completely after the last Upgrade. See image. It’s random, not the same Banner Ad every time and not all the time. I did mention it to Support through an email and they thought my slow home internet speed may be the culprit. I only have a max of 7mbps at home. I’m not kidding…But I am at another location on wif fi with 120mbps and the same things happens randomly. I do not have any custom theme, but simply utilize the theme functions native to this software.

This isn’t a huge deal, but if an advertiser sees this it may cause non-renewals etc. 


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Unfortunately, this is not something which 2 colleagues of mine and myself can reproduce on your community. I also cannot reproduce this myself on a test instance uploading images as advertisements.

Do you have any one else reporting this? Have you tried this another computer or device? Sounds like this is local to yourself at the moment as we have tried to reproduce this. I can only explain it via a bad connection, bad cache, or something else local to the computer causing this disruption.

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