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Site is down - didn’t transfer

Michael Cappillino
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Our tiny music community license was expiring on December 18th. A few members didn’t want it to go away, so we bought a growth license and were told the ownership and forum could be transferred to me. No problem. Should just take a day or two. This was 12/7  

Didnt hear anything back. Wrote a few times. On December 18th the old site shut down and said license expired. We don’t have access to all of the old content and have no way of contacting the old members to let them know what happened or when we’ll be back. I’m pretty upset.  What can I do? Who can I contact to fix this?

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I apologize for the delay here and that your community has gone down during this, I just worked with a manager to get this done for you. I also am in the process now of upgrading your cloud plans so we can get this turned online again for you as quickly as possible.

I will update your ticket as well with this and update again here once we have done that.

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