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display last updated date in searches

Go to solution Solved by Marc St,

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Is there a way to display the last update date for the topics in searches? I can only see the date creation in searches, not the last update. Whenever I search, I would love to see if the topic was updated not too long ago, right now, only the creation date is displayed. Is there a way to display the last update?



Edited by OptimusBain
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20 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

It's the creation date for that item. That item coming up in your search for example may be a reply. So it shows the date of that reply. It would not to the last update date for the topic. There is no way in which to do that without modification

I understand that, for sure. My question is, can this be added in a future release?

When I am searching, I also want to know when was the last time the topic in the search results had been updated. That's the logical way for me at least. If the search results displays 10 topics, I will be more interested in the most recent one always. Then I will move on to check the older results. It's just not possible now on searches. The streams have this option enabled, searches don't 😞

Edited by OptimusBain
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