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Strange registration from today

Go to solution Solved by Adriano Faria,

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I was browsing guest users reading my articles. I came across a guest who has 1 registration ...
Following the link I see an account with a real ID for this user, no name and no email address ...
There is no such user in the ACP members list.
Through PHP myadmin table core_members finds this user, last registration - but no name, no email address, only IP address and is in the validation group ...
I tested my registration form - without a name and email address I can't register ...
Is this an bug in version 4.6.8?
I can easily remove this user from the database - but it seems to me that this behavior of the registration form, surrounded by someone, is quite unpleasant and with a precondition for future problems ...
Any opinions?

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3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

Do you use any social media that allows to create accounts? Probably someone created and didn’t go on when prompted to provide the email or a real name. I remember have read old topics like that. Sometimes you can see in online list users browsing without name too.

Yes, it was probably such an account, because now I checked and it no longer exists in DB, without me doing anything.
But such a case had never happened to me and it seemed very strange to me ...

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