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Copy and Paste Images - limit?


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I've encountered an unusual event in 4.6.2 when copy and pasting images.  I use Snagit to create images for help files and generally just copy and paste the images into a topic or article.  In the past I could just copy and paste away until I completed the task.  In 4.6.2 after so many copy and pastes the images no longer appear in the topic/article but appear in the uploaded images tray and have to be added manually.  So I'm wondering if this is by design, a bug or is there a setting that I'm missing somewhere?  This generally happens after about 3/4 images have been pasted into the editor.



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1 hour ago, Nathan Explosion said:

I personally stopped when I got to 32 "pasted and added without issue" images...

Try pasting different images of different sizes rather than the same one and try it in other apps other than forums and see if you get the same result 🙂

Just so you can see the image below illustrates the images I wanted to paste into an article on how to use the calendar feature.  This is in Pages.  The images with a green tick pasted directly into the editor.  The ones with a red cross went into the uploaded images tray and had to be inserted manually.  It's not a huge issue, I'm just curious as to why?


Edited by Davyc
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