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Converting from vBulletin 3.8 -- hitting a snag

Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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I seem to be hitting a snag early on in the conversion process when testing the first steps of a migration. I get an error "Failed to count rows in table 'cms_widget' - is your table prefix set correctly?" when I try to start the conversion after step 3, "database details". This is not a table that exists in my vBulletin installation, so I'm not surprised it's failing, but as far as I know it isn't a part of vBulletin 3.x. Do I need to do some editing of install scripts or something? Is there an easy fix to this? There is no option for just vBulletin 3.8.x (it's combined with vBulletin 4.x) so I assume that's part of the problem.

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Think I got it -- I had to deselect more options prior to the convert (of the deselectable options, only forums and gallery can remain selected.) That error message could definitely be improved with some guidance for people converting from vBulletin 3.8.x.

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9 hours ago, Birched said:

Think I got it -- I had to deselect more options prior to the convert (of the deselectable options, only forums and gallery can remain selected.) That error message could definitely be improved with some guidance for people converting from vBulletin 3.8.x.

That shouldn't be the case, we'll have a look into this 🙂 thank you for letting us know.

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2 hours ago, Cobar said:

I had this same error a few days ago trying to migrate from vBulletin 4.2.2.  @Stuart Silvester do you recommend I try to unselect everything but forums and gallery then try again, or did your team find something else when investigating?



Yes, if you don't have any vB CMS data to convert, uncheck 'pages and records'. We've fixed this in an upcoming release so it's a bit smarter and knows if you don't have vb CMS even if you check the box.

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