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Need CKEditor to allow link our with target="_blank"


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Our editors and writers (authorized users) want to add target="_blank" to their content in 4.4.x Pages articles.

Was this ability removed from the CKEditor default link plugin? How can we allow our editors to do this simply?

I have read about IPS using HTMLPurifier. Is there reference to this where I can see what is being filtered/allowed?

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@Afrodude Yes thanks for this solution. They can access the source code, but unfortunately, in most cases, they do not want to. 😉 I think there is partial fear of messing something up.

@DavycYes, thank you, this is a good idea as an add on. They do not place them in buttons typically, but I will add this to give them the option. Before I install, is that from the CKEditor repository, or something separate you created?

The solution I've implemented so far is to use the original plugins from the CKEditor site and, with permissions, restrict them to Admin,Editor,Writer use. It works great, but I would like to figure how to stop the IPS Link window from appearing when we double-click the link. We're running 4.4.10 so using CKeditor 4.13.1. Here's what I added:



The FakeObjects is required to run the Link add on.

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11 hours ago, mcsg said:

Before I install, is that from the CKEditor repository, or something separate you created?

This is an official plugin from the CKeditor site - they have some really interesting plugins there, if you want something that you have in mind be careful to choose version 4 not 5 🙂

Link: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addons/plugins/all


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