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An error occurred (500 Error)


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While trying to access my forum i got an error :

An error occurred (500 Error)

I have an open a ticket already but until im getting an answer i have open this topic as well.

Checked the logs :

Error: Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global' not found (0)
#0 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(926): eval()
#1 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Theme/Cache/Template.php(108): IPS\_Theme::overloadHooks('class_core_fron...', 'IPS\\Theme\\Cache')
#2 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(777): IPS\Theme\Cache\_Template->exists()
#3 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(172): IPS\_Theme->getTemplate('global', 'core')
#4 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(113): IPS\_Dispatcher->finish()
#5 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(640): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->finish()
#6 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(154): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->finish()
#7 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}


What may be wrong ? I didnt make any changes lately.

PS: I am able to login to admin panel, however the front-end gets 500 errors.

Edited by mark2012
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1 minute ago, Adlago said:

ACP - Support - Something isn't working correctly and Continue

I just did that thanks. Everything is fine there



    System check passed
    Source files unmodified
    Database structure ok
    External connections working
    Server time is accurate

Apparently it was something wrong with the theme

. I managed to changed the theme and now everything is working fine.

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