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2 minutes ago, V0RT3X666 said:

Have you tried the 4.4 addon in 4.5? Haven't tested that one, but many work without any problems.

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately with new Marketplace in Admincp is difficult to install Application manually. I found the way to install Plugins but not Applications. And with automatic installation is impossible. I'm getting message that this app is not compatible with my IPS version.

Pitty that IPS don't adds such important feature is the core.


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3 hours ago, V0RT3X666 said:

Just tested the club categories application on 4.5, seems to fine when you add CSRF protection by yourself.

I know what is CSRF protection from my vB4 addons, where it was a line at the top of php files:

define('CSRF_PROTECTION', true);

But I know nothing for IPS style of coding, so I can't risk to mess my installation. Have spent weeks to install and configure a dozen of mods and style.

That said, most probably I'll wait the official release of this addon. I don't blame the developer. I accept his rights to upgrade it or not. Finally there is no any term that he'll continue upgrades for ever. But I was expecting a post here "Sorry, I don't plan to upgrade it".

Edited by ChrisTERiS
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