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redis question


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I just moved to 4.5.2 from 4.4.10, and I want to use redis because memcache is deprecated. I installed redis on my dedicated server and went to enable it but see that I know have to use it for both caching and storage. I was under the impression that i could still use mysql for storage and redis for caching.

Question: If I enable redis for both storage and caching, does IPS no longer use mysql?

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21 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

This is super confusing as worded in the ACP. Storage here refers to temporary things.

MySQL is used for all the things you think it would be. You can optionally set a setting that will put topic views and sessions on Redis too that reduces load on MySQL.

Wow. This is really strange. I assumed it meant not using mysql for anything, but your comment makes sense. Thanks so much!

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