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Prep for 4.5: Best Way to See if Apps and Plugins are Compat

Joy Rex

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<rant>You guys need to lengthen your topic titles so people can use full words 😧</rant>

So, based on the abbreviated topic title, what's the best way (short of looking up every Application or Plugin manually) of finding out if there is a 4.5-compatible version?

I'd like to see which of my Apps and Plugins are compatible first, so I know which ones I need to disable or at least double-check once I update to 4.5.

As for themes - if I used the Easy Mode to create a default theme, will it for the most part carry over, or would I need to start from scratch?

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60 characters is crazy short for thread titles here, yes. If I were a new customer, I'd think that was out of the box, unchangeable behavior, and it would have been a hard pass. 

What we did was create an issue in our tracker for each dependency, find each dependency in the Marketplace or in our own repository, tested each resource, and linked back to the Marketplace entry.

We then performed test upgrades using a copy of our production environment and make sure that our results matched what Marketplace thought it did using our test license. It didn't, we reported those issues, and they've since been fixed by IPS. We do this in a way that we can repeat it quickly over and over again by utilizing virtualization.

This helps us know exactly what to expect when we "do it for real." You can see after completing marketplace onboarding and checking for updates what applications/plugins/themes/language packs have updates available, and see what happens if you turn on the ones that do not. Our beta testers play around and try to break things.

We then update our tracker and we know we're not ready to go until we've successfully completed the issues attached to the 4.5 upgrade milestone.

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For managed clients that I've worked on I've effectively done the same. We have a tracker that lists any custom applications and plugins, and further separates them by "marketplace" (or third party) resource vs a resource we've built in-house. For anything we've built in-house, we review the code and test locally. For third party resources, we check the marketplace to see if the resource is compatible with 4.5.

That's it in a nutshell. You can then decide if you have resources that aren't compatible if you're willing to forge ahead or if you need to wait for updates.

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On 9/4/2020 at 2:37 PM, Paul E. said:

60 characters is crazy short for thread titles here, yes. If I were a new customer, I'd think that was out of the box, unchangeable behavior, and it would have been a hard pass. 

What we did was create an issue in our tracker for each dependency, find each dependency in the Marketplace or in our own repository, tested each resource, and linked back to the Marketplace entry.

We then performed test upgrades using a copy of our production environment and make sure that our results matched what Marketplace thought it did using our test license. It didn't, we reported those issues, and they've since been fixed by IPS. We do this in a way that we can repeat it quickly over and over again by utilizing virtualization.

This helps us know exactly what to expect when we "do it for real." You can see after completing marketplace onboarding and checking for updates what applications/plugins/themes/language packs have updates available, and see what happens if you turn on the ones that do not. Our beta testers play around and try to break things.

We then update our tracker and we know we're not ready to go until we've successfully completed the issues attached to the 4.5 upgrade milestone.

What did you use for your tracker (out of curiosity)?

On 9/4/2020 at 2:18 PM, Joy Rex said:

As for themes - if I used the Easy Mode to create a default theme, will it for the most part carry over, or would I need to start from scratch?

Any advice on themes @bfarber?


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