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Some leaderboard question


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Hi, can someone please explain me a few things?

1) How does one wins the day? is it by getting more reputation from reaction? or does the content count also contributes to this?
2) Is reputation gained only by reaction or are there other ways to gain reputation?
3) Is the top member section in the leaderboard monthly or all time ? if it's all time is possible to change it to monthly?
4) I see two things in the leaderboard, one most posts and one most contents... for contents it seems everything accounts to it like topics, replies etc.. but wt I'm not sure is posts.
Can you please tell me the difference between content and posts?


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Here's general info from the Help Guides on this:

The values in the leaderboard are points (not posts) and content. Content can be forum posts (whether they start a thread or are made in reply of one), comments, reviews, database entries, pages entries, etc. Anything where the member writes something and it appears within the suite.

Points are earned depending on your configuration. The guide above does a high level overview of the various options.

You can change the time period in the upper right of the default leaderboard view. Look in the upper right here as an example:


There is a drop down that allows you to select the duration of time, as well as one that allows you to further narrow down to specific content types.

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12 hours ago, ibinod said:

Hi, can someone please explain me a few things?

1) How does one wins the day? is it by getting more reputation from reaction? or does the content count also contributes to this?
2) Is reputation gained only by reaction or are there other ways to gain reputation?
3) Is the top member section in the leaderboard monthly or all time ? if it's all time is possible to change it to monthly?
4) I see two things in the leaderboard, one most posts and one most contents... for contents it seems everything accounts to it like topics, replies etc.. but wt I'm not sure is posts.
Can you please tell me the difference between content and posts?



1) Highest reputation (only).

2) Reputation comes from reactions.

3) All time, there is no option to view just the last month

4) As per Paul E, posts is the forums app specifically while content is all apps


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