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Again same error but for different field. Now is for field movie_episodes and I seen that API return NULL for this field

I found in line 298 of the same file above

$movie->episodes	= $type == 'tv' ? $data['number_of_episodes'] : 0;

TV Show: RĂĽzgarin Kalbi


Edited by ChrisTERiS
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Change this one to:

$movie->episodes			= $type == 'tv' ? $data['number_of_episodes'] ?: 0 : 0;

Also, change in applications\movies\sources\Movie\Movie.php from

$this->release_date		 = \IPS\Request::i()->movie_release_date;


$this->release_date		 = \IPS\Request::i()->movie_release_date ?: NULL;

This one also doesn't has Genres, so it will show empty in the movie view:


I've fixed this for the next version. If you are ok editing template too, then in the view template, find:

							<li class="ipsDataItem">
								<span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3"><strong>{lang="movie_genres"}</strong></span>
								{{$genres = \IPS\movies\Movie::getGenreName( explode( ',', $movie->genres ) );}}
								<span class="ipsDataItem_generic">{$genres}</span>

Change to:

							{{if $movie->genres}}
								<li class="ipsDataItem">
									<span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3"><strong>{lang="movie_genres"}</strong></span>
									{{$genres = \IPS\movies\Movie::getGenreName( explode( ',', $movie->genres ) );}}
									<span class="ipsDataItem_generic">{$genres}</span>

I will send you a PM in a few minutes with an account on my board so you can post bugs in the Tracker. đź‘Ť

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Small issue regarding the TMDB numbering system.

I entered the movie "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" with a TMDB number of 168 and it was applied to the category

I then went to add the TV Show "Are You Being Served" but it also has a TMDB number of 168 and I cannot add it because Star Trek IV is blocking it.

Is there a way to distinguish between Movie numbers and TV Show numbers as this may happen again if there is a conflict?

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19 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

I’ll improve it by passing the type as a parameter too in next version. 


20 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

I can provide a file edit later, if that helps.


I'll just wait for the next update - it's just this one that I've come across so far, so it's not a major issue 🙂


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7 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

In categories it shows its subcategories.

Sorry no. It does not display any subcategory in sidebar. I can see subcaterories only in the main (left) section. I gave a look in the widgets, but there is nothing there, even if I believe that this is a predefined widget.

And actually I can't understand why there no any widget for it. eg I want to have the categories structure in sidebar for fast navigation is seeing a movie page.



Edited by ChrisTERiS
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10 minutes ago, ChrisTERiS said:

Sorry no. It does not display any subcategory in sidebar. I can see subcaterories only in the main (left) section. I gave a look in the widgets, but there is nothing there, even if I believe that this is a predefined widget.

Not a widget. It's a "hardcoded" block eanbled by a setting but yes, missing in category. I'll add in next version.

It's in the script:

		if( \IPS\Settings::i()->movies_sidebar_category )
			\IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'browse' )->indexSidebar( \IPS\movies\Category::canOnAny('add'), $category );

but not in the settings form indeed.

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1 hour ago, ChrisTERiS said:

Sorry no. It does not display any subcategory in sidebar. I can see subcaterories only in the main (left) section. I gave a look in the widgets, but there is nothing there, even if I believe that this is a predefined widget.

And actually I can't understand why there no any widget for it. eg I want to have the categories structure in sidebar for fast navigation is seeing a movie page.

Ok, went ahead and create the widget. So now you have:

1: a contextual sidebar block (not a widget) to display subcategories of the category you're browing and it is enabled/disabled via setting; if you're on index, then all categories will show up (first block in the image below).

2: a widget where will display ALL existing categories, no matter where you are ( second block in the image below).




I'm working on another feature so expect a new version later next week.

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23 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

I'm working on another feature so expect a new version later next week.

Take your time. It's not something so important. Just I was wondering if I miss something in settings. Or if I removed by mistake something from the templates. But the issue exists even in Default theme.

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Just now, ChrisTERiS said:

Take your time. It's not something so important. Just I was wondering if I miss something in settings. Or if I removed by mistake something from the templates. But the issue exists even in Default theme.

It has some fixes (above in this topic) that isn't fine for some users to perform file edits so I'll have to release it soon.

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I know that bombing a coder/designer with new features requests is always frustrated. Especially if he/she has to deal with many mods/styles.

But there are sometimes, where, these requests, even not bugs, are important. eg With movies. At least in my opinion a simple addition to Movie Feed widget-> Short by-> RATING is very important.  Most of the sites are using Movies for Reviews. If they don't have any option to show eg Top 10 Movies what to show? Random?

Thank you



Edited by ChrisTERiS
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Slight hitch with the Movie Comments Widget - when you select nominated categories (for example all of the movie categories, or all of TV Show Categories) the widget does not show any entries - it only shows if ALL categories regardless of movies or TV Shows, is selected.  This means it's not possible to separate movies and TV Show comments in the widgets.

I'm sure you can sort this 🙂


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18 minutes ago, Davyc said:

Slight hitch with the Movie Comments Widget - when you select nominated categories (for example all of the movie categories, or all of TV Show Categories) the widget does not show any entries - it only shows if ALL categories regardless of movies or TV Shows, is selected.  This means it's not possible to separate movies and TV Show comments in the widgets.

I'm sure you can sort this 🙂


If you’re talking about the “issue” you reported on my board a couple of months ago, that’s how it is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick ask as to when the reported issues will be receiving some TLC on the movies app?  To recap:

Need to separate Movie and TV numbers so that there is no conflict - i.e. movie number 123 is same as TV show so when one is added the other can't be.

Reduce minimum characters required for movie/TV show title to allow the addition of movies and shows such as 'V' and 'X2'

Other than that everything else, as far as I remember, is cool and I'm lovin' it 🙂

When I get my next payment I'll be buying your music app to complement the movies app.

with thanks

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On 10/2/2020 at 6:49 AM, ibaker said:

This is a GREAT addon, thanks Adriano. Just a comment if I may, when you select a category as being "TV Show" only, the category listing on the index page shows the word Movies...just a thought but could the code say:

<IF> category=TV Show, TV Shows <else> Movies <endif>

Although the issue would be those categories that are set as both Movies and TV Shows...just a thought




Record/Records is a new language bit (records_no_number) so you can change it to whatever you want.

Same will happen on main buttons, like SUBMIT A MOVIE on index; now will display SUBMIT A RECORD. If you're browing a MOVIE category, then SUBMIT A MOVIE will be there; same for TV Show.


+ Create menu:


Edited by Adriano Faria
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