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Impossible to remove a language bit in custom Stream phrase


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Hello, I'm trying to localize my forum and noticed that this word "in" is somewhat hardcoded into the IPS files because it cannot be translated in language manager and I think it causes a problem for every language that is not English. This can even be called as a bug and fixed in upcoming versions. However right now has anyone any clue how to remove this bit here when you have created a custom stream? the term for translating this part is steam_blurb_with_terms which is responsible for all that text.


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It's not hardcoded, I guess you're not translating the right key..
stream_blurb_in_containers is being used here


Just some clarification:

steam_blurb_with_terms is indeed what's being used here, but if you take a look at the content ('steam_blurb_with_terms' => "Showing %s %s.", ), it contains some variables ( %s %s ) and one of the variables contains all the other language strings which are being used to build the further text containing containers, the date/timespan etc..

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9 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

It's not hardcoded, I guess you're not translating the right key..
stream_blurb_in_containers is being used here


Just some clarification:

steam_blurb_with_terms is indeed what's being used here, but if you take a look at the content ('steam_blurb_with_terms' => "Showing %s %s.", ), it contains some variables ( %s %s ) and one of the variables contains all the other language strings which are being used to build the further text containing containers, the date/timespan etc..

Great! This really worked out, I customized it to my liking.

Now perhaps you're wondering why I made this topic - well because I first made a ticket in support and got a definitive answer that this can't be translated. Well what do you know, when it comes to translation certainly not all support staff are equally knowledgeable.  😄

I'm happy this turned out well.

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