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Sorting groups


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I would like to add group sorting to my plugin. 

Based on the possibility of sorting from this plugin: 

I added the settings accordingly and led the plug to the state of operation as in the "Group Name Indicator".

I added sorting in php:

public function SecondaryGroupsIndicator()
		$groups = array();
		$selectedGroups = explode( ',', \IPS\Settings::i()->ips1s2ktest );
			if ( \count( $selectedGroups ) )
				foreach( $selectedGroups as $groupId )
					if( \array_key_exists( $groupId, \IPS\Member\Group::groups() ) )
						$groups[] =  \IPS\Member\Group::load( $groupId );
			return $groups;

And then I added to the template:

{{$groups = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->SecondaryGroupsIndicator();}}
			{{foreach $groups as $group}}

And I have no idea how to connect the code that displays subgroups for me:

{{$secondaryGroups = [];}}
	{{foreach explode(',', $comment->author()->mgroup_others) as $secondaryGroup}}
		{{$secondaryGroups[] = \IPS\Member\Group::load($secondaryGroup)->formattedName;}}
	<li>{expression="implode('<br> ', $secondaryGroups)" raw="true"}</li>

Do you have any ideas to connect this?

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Hook in \IPS\Member

public function sortedGroups()
	$allGroups = \IPS\Member\Group::groups();
	$ips1s2ktest = explode(',', \IPS\Settings::i()->ips1s2kSGI);
	$otherGroups = array_flip(explode(',', $this->mgroup_others));
	$sortedGroups = array();
	$notSortedGroups = array();

	foreach ($ips1s2ktest as $id)
		if (isset($allGroups[$id]) and isset($otherGroups[$id]))
			$sortedGroups[$id] = $allGroups[$id];

	foreach ($otherGroups as $sid => $i)
		if (isset($allGroups[$sid]))
			$notSortedGroups[$sid] = $allGroups[$sid];
	return ($sortedGroups + $notSortedGroups);

Then use

In the profile

{{if $member->sortedGroups()}}
	{{foreach $member->sortedGroups() as $group}}

In the post

{{if $comment->author()->sortedGroups()}}
	{{foreach $comment->author()->sortedGroups() as $group}}


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8 hours ago, newbie LAC said:

In the profile

{{if $member->sortedGroups()}}
	{{foreach $member->sortedGroups() as $group}}

I need to put commas between groups. I wanted to add it like this:

              {{$group = [];}}
				{{foreach $member->sortedGroups() as $group}}
					{expression="implode(', ', $group)" raw="true"}

But I have a message: "implode(): Invalid arguments passed"

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13 hours ago, krystek1s2k said:

I need to put commas between groups. I wanted to add it like this:

              {{$group = [];}}
				{{foreach $member->sortedGroups() as $group}}
					{expression="implode(', ', $group)" raw="true"}

But I have a message: "implode(): Invalid arguments passed"

{{$groups = [];}}
{{foreach $member->sortedGroups() as $group}}
	{{$groups[] = $group->formattedName;}}
{expression="implode(', ', $groups)" raw="true"}

or all in one line

{expression="implode(', ', array_map(function($group) { return $group->formattedName; }, $member->sortedGroups()))" raw="true"}


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Or, perhaps, a better option is to use the built in list formatting functionality we have.

{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( array_map(function($group) { return $group->formattedName; }, $member->sortedGroups()) )" raw="true"}


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15 hours ago, bfarber said:

Or, perhaps, a better option is to use the built in list formatting functionality we have.

In that case the output will be

Members, Moderators and VIP

But OP need

On 7/8/2019 at 8:11 PM, krystek1s2k said:

I need to put commas between groups.

You should to use 2nd param

	 * Format List
	 * Takes an array and returns a string, appropriate for the language (e.g. "a, b and c")
	 * Relies on the _list_format_ language string which should be an example list of three items using the keys a, b and c.
	 * Any can be capitalised to run ucfirst on that item
	 * Examples if $items = array( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'moo' );
	 *	If _list_format_ is this:			Output will be this:
	 *	a, b and c							foo, bar, baz and moo
	 *	A, B und C							Foo, Bar, Baz und Moo
	 *	a; b; c.							foo; bar; baz; moo.
	 * @param	array	$items	The items for the list
	 * @param	string	$format	If provided, will override _list_format_
	 * @return	string
	public function formatList( $items, $format=NULL )
{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( array_map(function($group) { return $group->formattedName; }, $member->sortedGroups()), 'a, b, c' )" raw="true"}


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