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Edit button and mentions for Report messages


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1) Currently it is Not possible to edit user report messages in the reports:


As we can see, there are no buttons for quoting or editing on the user reports. It is OK for no quoting, but how edit those reports at least for administrators? Sometimes users are writing reports with bad, vulgar, dirty and rough (swear) words, and there is no way to edit them, to remove such words from the user report comment 😞 

2) When someone reporting something wants to mention a specific person to take care of his report (for example), he does it in a standard way using @ button . example @alexxis


But this mentioned person do NOT get any notifications saying that the reported guy mentioned him! 😮

At the same time, mentions are working properly in the Moderator comments.


Is that possible to fix the proper work of mentions in the Report messages?

Is that possible to add an Edit button at least to Administrators, so the Report messages will be editable as well?

Hopefully IPS engineers will find these two ideas worth to be added in the future releases 🙂  



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