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Cautionary tale. IPS setting check opportunity.

Ocean West

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So server had a SSD drive failure a few months ago, and so my host upgraded the server to new SSD and moved things around...

They changed the path where the files were stored.

I do remember fixing settings in somewhere in the ACP 

from /databases/forums/public_html/   to   /storage/forums/public_html/

However, I totally forgot to go to my cPanel and update the path to incoming email for support by piping email to the database.

Opportunity for IPS, somehow add to the system perhaps in config?  to alert the site admin to change the path for the pipe settings, when they differ, or issue a test to the departments?



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I can appreciate that...

If after installation and setup including pipe options you performed the tests by sending email to the department if you received that email you confirm to the system that you received it at that point the system takes a snapshot of the known system server path.

When ever you do a system check or use the support tool if the dynamic system path differs ( moved servers / upgraded hardware ) then, provide instructions or prompts to reconfigure and test known piped departments and any other areas of the system that this setting is hard coded and cause undesired affects.

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