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How to redirect trailing slash url to non-trailing slash url


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I have just switched on Remove IPS4 Core FURL Slashes option and I love the non-trailing slash version, but now I have two version of each page.

Wondering if someone can help please in forcing the redirect of trailing slash URL to non-trailing slash version, please.

Example, below url 


should be redirected to this always (301 permanent redirect)


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I have just switched on Remove IPS4 Core FURL Slashes option

Can you clarify what option you are referring to?

If it's from a third party plugin, you'll need to contact the plugin author for assistance. Typically, out of the box we redirect you to the "correct" version which includes the trailing slash. Try visiting this URL, for instance, and it redirects you to the version with the trailing slash: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback-and-ideas


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