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Xenforo Avatars issue and Topics

Dean Spencer

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I have an issue when converting from XenForo to IPS. 


Issue 1: When I'm converting I get asked the path to the Avatars, it gives a hint that the path is:  /data/avatars  I type that in and it tells me it's not correct. Not matter what I type in it's not correct. Now when I type only  /   then it lets me move on but it doesnt bring any avatars. 


Issue 2: When I convert from 1.5.20 to 4.3.3 it converts the topic names, status updates and so on but when I click on a topic on the address bar the topic ID is 0 and I get an error message. The only suitable fix I had found was to convert from 1.5.20 to 3.4.9 then upgrade to 4.3.3 and I can see the topics. but I'd like to know why when converting from 1.5.20 to 4.3.3 the topics give an error message. 


For now I deleted it all and went back to using XenForo until I can find a solution for this here. 

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17 minutes ago, Dean Spencer said:

Issue 1: When I'm converting I get asked the path to the Avatars, it gives a hint that the path is:  /data/avatars  I type that in and it tells me it's not correct. Not matter what I type in it's not correct. Now when I type only  /   then it lets me move on but it doesnt bring any avatars. 

The path needs to be the absolute path to where these items are stored on your server. i.e. /home/user/forum/data/avatars (it's different for everyone, so you'll need to find out where they are on your server).

18 minutes ago, Dean Spencer said:

Issue 2: When I convert from 1.5.20 to 4.3.3 it converts the topic names, status updates and so on but when I click on a topic on the address bar the topic ID is 0 and I get an error message. The only suitable fix I had found was to convert from 1.5.20 to 3.4.9 then upgrade to 4.3.3 and I can see the topics. but I'd like to know why when converting from 1.5.20 to 4.3.3 the topics give an error message. 

These are placeholders that get replaced/recalculated by background tasks that run after you click 'finish'  (after you've completed the entire conversion).

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