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Cover photo - strange issue


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In version 4.2.5 I notice a strange issue with Cover photo. It exists both in profile and in clubs.It is also available in the default theme.

Essence of the issue - when loading site, images cover photo load well between 2nd and 3rd second. Then, for about 200 milliseconds, these images disappear and only a dark background is displayed. After these 200 milliseconds - images appear again and everything is fine. It has the effect of blinking images. See attached screenshot.






What I have done so far
- I uploaded all the files in 4.2.5 with all the updates. There is no change.
- I removed all my addons for speed load site - no change with this issue.

This does not make sense - because there is a issue also in the default theme. But I was obliged to try.

When I use " Something isn't working correctly " - this issue is removed. Everything works well ... but only for about 30 - 40 minutes, then reappears ...

Plugins from the 3rd side I don't use.

Every idea I appreciate


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