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Likes back the old way?


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So when I upgraded to 4.2 - the posts no longer show the like button I had. So I went ahead and added an icon in the new reactions section.

But now you cant really tell if you already liked something. I miss before where who liked it would show.

How do you go back to the old way?

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1 hour ago, Zephers said:

So when I upgraded to 4.2 - the posts no longer show the like button I had. So I went ahead and added an icon in the new reactions section.

But now you cant really tell if you already liked something. I miss before where who liked it would show.

How do you go back to the old way?

You can tell if you liked it or not. It’s grey if you haven’t reacted to the post

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ACP > Members > Reputation & Reactions > Reactions > disable everything other than Like.

You can see who liked a post easily. Look at the post above mine; it currently reads "Fosters reacted to this". If more people do, then click on the heart etc and it will show you who reacted.

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hmm.... so perhaps it is not working right is the problem. It isn't graying out before I like a post so I often am "unliking" because I forgot I already liked. So perhaps what I have is more of a css or such issue

Also the line underneath with who liked is not showing. So maybe its a skin compatibility issue

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4 hours ago, Zephers said:

hmm.... so perhaps it is not working right is the problem. It isn't graying out before I like a post so I often am "unliking" because I forgot I already liked. So perhaps what I have is more of a css or such issue

Also the line underneath with who liked is not showing. So maybe its a skin compatibility issue

Possible. For me anything that isnt liked is gray. Then it turns colored for the reaction I used. That's on this site as well.

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