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Facebook Help Please

Bill Edwards

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Dear All

I have an almost total lack of knowledge when it comes to linking my forum & Facebook.

I don't really understand the basics, let alone the more advanced stuff and any help would be much appreciated.

All I want to be able to do is copy the occasional post from my forum onto my Facebook page. The terminology is alien to me. Login Handlers? I don't want members to login/register for the forum from Facebook. All I want is the promote stuff. I've been tinkering for hours now and am no further forward. I've finally found the "Link your user account link" and then the "Sign in with Facebook", but I get an error "Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.". I have my forum domain in the Facebook App.

Can anybody help with a complete idiots guide :)

Many thanks


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2 minutes ago, Bill Edwards said:

All I want to be able to do is copy the occasional post from my forum onto my Facebook page.

Frankly, just do it manually. Just copy the URL and past it on your Facebook page. I do it all the time this way. Also gives you more control over the content. Link text/description, additional images, additional page message. 

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6 minutes ago, opentype said:

Frankly, just do it manually. Just copy the URL and past it on your Facebook page. I do it all the time this way. Also gives you more control over the content. Link text/description, additional images, additional page message. 

Seems a bit of a cop out when IPS have gone to such lengths to include a way of doing it?

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57 minutes ago, Bill Edwards said:

I don't want members to login/register for the forum from Facebook.

so just disable the login handler after setting it up. just click on the green enabled to toggle it to disabled. Setup as normal, that way promote works, but do the disable to prevent logins with facebook.

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25 minutes ago, MADMAN32395 said:

so just disable the login handler after setting it up. just click on the green enabled to toggle it to disabled. Setup as normal, that way promote works, but do the disable to prevent logins with facebook.

Thanks for the suggestion, but as per my first post, I still can't get that far :(


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