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Request to join member group?


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Is there anyway for someone who registers on your ipb forum to request to join a certain member group that has to be approved by admin or mod? I feel like this is a basic function but I can't seem to find it anywhere? Anyone know of a method? 

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So is this for like new member registration or just to join another member group?

SO this is my situation. We have events at a venue which are private. We have people register to our IPB site and use that as a member system. We have IPB Gallery where we want certain Members to have access to access the gallery post and see pics only if they're part of this exclusive group which is different then people that are registered.


For example someone comes in the event they register. But then if they want to be part of our Exclusive IPB gallery they have to be VIP member group. But instead of having to manually change everyone, I want to be able to have them apply then a mod or admin has to approve them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 20.7.2017 at 7:50 AM, ZatroX said:

So is this for like new member registration or just to join another member group?

This is for existing members to join new groups.

On 20.7.2017 at 7:50 AM, ZatroX said:

But then if they want to be part of our Exclusive IPB gallery they have to be VIP member group. But instead of having to manually change everyone, I want to be able to have them apply then a mod or admin has to approve them.

Yes, with the applications form app members apply and your staff can approve or deny their request.

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Foster I purchased the app. But when I try to accept  someone joining, i get the following error code


Error: Cannot use object of type IPS\applicationform\Position\Data as array (0)
#0 /home3/abarca/public_html/core/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(86): IPS\applicationform\modules\admin\forms\_position->approve()
#1 /home3/abarca/public_html/core/system/Node/Controller.php(63): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#2 /home3/abarca/public_html/core/applications/applicationform/modules/admin/forms/position.php(35): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute()
#3 /home3/abarca/public_html/core/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\applicationform\modules\admin\forms\_position->execute()
#4 /home3/abarca/public_html/core/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}

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Wanted to chime in on this topic.

Does this plugin allow you to appoint a "leader" of a membership group who can approve/disapprove anyone who's trying to join it? I currently use Woltlab and I can set up a membership group and appoint someone the "leader" who can do this. Why doesn't IPS have this built in? I know phpbb and SMF does the same. It would really help communities who have many different groups to let a group leader approve/disapprove vs manually adding people to a group one by one.

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