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automatically tweet new topics (twitterer replacement)


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On 3.4 we had a hook for automatically tweeting newly created topics to a defined hashtag via our social media account, it was called twitterer

Is there any similar plugin for IPB4? this was pretty handy for generating interest on our forums for chosen subjects 

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7 hours ago, opentype said:

Create a (custom) activity feed with the posts you would like to use, add RSS, and then use an external services like IFTTT to post to any social network site you want. 



Yeah thought about that, not sure an activity feed can list only newly created topics in that manner hence why i'm assuming that hook was used for when the topic was created it was a one time event that fired.

using the rest api I could probably do my own solution, but slightly more hassle than asking if there was already a solution since a previous hook/application had been available

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4 hours ago, opentype said:

It can. 

helpful... what combination of choices do you think achieves that? because other than being able to filter the content type (topic) by the newest activity first which reads like it will be bumped up the list following subsequent posts (unless that's badly worded) I don't see how unless IFTTT will almost keep track of what urls it has already sent on through from the rss feed and ignore them as processed.

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43 minutes ago, Ant__ said:

… keep track of what urls it has already sent on through from the rss feed and ignore them as processed.

That’s how RSS works anyway. 

(The only slight problem in that regard I found was that a category change of an entry bumps it in the feed.)

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31 minutes ago, opentype said:

That’s how RSS works anyway. 

(The only slight problem in that regard I found was that a category change of an entry bumps it in the feed.)


So it was like i assumed then and it doesn't cater for it, Also if you had X number of changes in already created topics over what you kept in your rss feed  it's possible those would  "bump" a new activity outside of the range meaning you could also miss it pending on how often you polled the feed for changes.

Like i said it's "possible" but it's a bit of a fudge with downsides, Hence the post looking for the original solution that hooked onto the creation of a topic, rather than to jump through the hoops.

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