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Anyone have problems running BlaB! 8?


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Ok, not IPS-specific, but:

After reading the long thread which sprang up over the imminent demise of IP.Chat, I decided to check out BlaB! 8 at www.justblab.com.  Looks promising for someone who hardly ever uses chat, and the price is right (as in free).

Problem is, after I upload it, follow all the on-site directions and run it to install, it craps out with a dreaded Error 500 (which may explain why putting it on my main site and trying to install it threw back an IPS "Resource Not Found").  My CPanel error logs sadly say next to nothing - only

[Sun Apr 02 07:27:11.537901 2017] [:error] [pid 31742] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx] SoftException in Application.cpp:261: File "[...]/chatroom/install/index.php" is writeable by group

which, if I am correct, shouldn't make any difference.  I changed the permissions anyway but still no luck.

Anyone else have this problem?

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