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Support Tickets - Getting Blocked


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My forums seemed (still down actually) and I couldn't create a ticket, I kept getting blocked by Incapsula. So I'd have to move to a new browser. Narrowed it down to Incapsula blocking me for posting ping and tracert results in my ticket replies! This is ridiculous that I try to provide information to help the situation and your protection is blocking me. 

I've narrowed it down to Incapsula blocking my IP from accessing my forums as I can access them fine from a cell phone. This is no bueno when I'm paying you for service and then getting blocked. This is really frustrating, and shouldn't be happening. Can't you adjust your rules with Incapsula to not block paying customers?


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  • Management

I'm sorry for your frustration. As noted in your ticket, your site was not down - you were just blocked by the firewall for suspicious traffic (11 attempts.) You were also blocked by Incapsula (which is independent of the CiC firewall) for similar threat patterns. Unfortunately, this is the point of Incapsula, so we cannot whitelist IPs. It's likely your PC is infected or something else local to your computer is going on to attack our network. Neither firewall will produce these level of false positives. 

Please respond to your ticket if we can be of any further assistance after you run a scan, etc. 

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No malware or other type of infection. This happened right after I tried to connect by FTP and it said the SSL certificate was expired, it might be the FTP client as it gets stuck on pulling the directory listing.

It's also odd that I could submit a ticket if I didn't post a ping or tracert result, it also blocked me from submitting a reply if I included the tracert and ping results. Incapsula seems to block any type of reply if you include "ping", "tracert" or "results" in a ticket reply.

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Quick suggestion: Put the results into a text file or suchlike then attach it to the ticket. :) See if that helps. I'm just thinking along the lines here that something in the 'content' you're posting is triggering it, I'm not completely sure however but I think this is worth a quick try.

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