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Cometchat is hacking IPboard ?


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thanks you,

Yes they read directly from the IPB database, here's a part of the integration php file :

define('DB_SERVER',					$INFO['sql_host']						);
define('DB_PORT',					"3306"									);
define('DB_USERNAME',				$INFO['sql_user']						);
define('DB_PASSWORD',				$INFO['sql_pass']						);
define('DB_NAME',					$INFO['sql_database']					);
if(defined('USE_CCAUTH') && USE_CCAUTH == '0'){
	define('TABLE_PREFIX',			$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']					);
	define('DB_USERTABLE',			"core_members"							);
	define('DB_USERTABLE_USERID',   "member_id"								);
	define('DB_USERTABLE_NAME',		"name"									);
	define('DB_AVATARTABLE',        " ");
	define('DB_AVATARFIELD',        " ".TABLE_PREFIX.DB_USERTABLE.".pp_main_photo");


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