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Cannot control image count (or placement) in Pages databases because Uploads field AND Attachments field are both present


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You can't remove attachments from the editor (in 3.4 it was not even a part of the editor) so we lose control over images. The Uploads field allows us to limit uploads to 1 or multiple, but if we allow 1, they can still attach multiple using the editor. I also like to use Uploads to place the images where I want in the article. Please allow us to turn off attachments, so we have full control over images using Uploads. In 3.4 you simply removed it from the editor. That gives us full image count/placement control, but you could add a setting for those that want it in the editor. Thanks

Example of article:

Single Upload (image)

Single Upload (image)

Editor (body)
Attachments (User can upload unlimited images that I do not want in the article, I should be able to disable this.)


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Thanks for the temporary workaround idea but that is not what I want to do. This seems to be an oversight in 4.0. Attachments simply conflict with uploads. If you have dedicated places for images, what is the point? They can just upload whatever and however many they want.

Hoping this can be addressed. There should be a checkbox when adding the editor, "Turn on attachments?"

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So, I came across the same exact problem but in IP.Gallery.  

One of my members decided to upload 50 photos into the album.  Which is great.  

But in his enthusiasm, he also uploaded all 50 photos into the album description's editor!  Which is ... not so great.  

And then ... he did this 3 times before I had a chance to message him to explain what he was doing wrong.  



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