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Upgraded live site - First impressions are very good


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After testing IPS4 since the Pre Releases, finally i upgraded my live board.

The upgrade was very fast, +/- 1 hour. I think i remember being 2 or 3 hours when i tested the upgrade with version 4.0.3. Very good improvement here with

The upgrade went very fine without any kind of errors. The board is much faster than in previous versions, and marginally slower than IPB 3.4. Im still running the background tasks.

What i was most afraid, was the reaction of my users, and... Almost all of them loved the new board the first time they saw it. They are happy, im happy.

Very good work Invision, keep it that way. When the work with the Search System is done, it will be perfect.


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My background tasks locked at 1/3 of the process. Strange, because i did not have this lock when i upgrade a backup of my site with 4.0.4 and 4.0.5.

I opened a ticket, hope someone can help me, so i can compete the background tasks by this weekend.

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My background tasks locked at 1/3 of the process. Strange, because i did not have this lock when i upgrade a backup of my site with 4.0.4 and 4.0.5.

I opened a ticket, hope someone can help me, so i can compete the background tasks by this weekend.

​I ended up setting up a cron, and it completely quickly for me.... after the last few updates thought it keeps locking on  supportAssignedReminder and profilesync. I run them manually just fine, but when they need to run again they lock.

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​I ended up setting up a cron, and it completely quickly for me.... after the last few updates thought it keeps locking on  supportAssignedReminder and profilesync. I run them manually just fine, but when they need to run again they lock.

I was doing them manually, that's the fastest way. But i reached some problems, and now it locks ups and don't go forward.

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​We have a fix for common problems like that in 4.0.7 :)

​Ok, thank you.

I have a ticket open, so if possible i would appreciate if you can apply the fix it to my site. I told my members that it would take 3 to 4 days, for the search, smiles, images etc etc to work. I hope i can live with what i said :P

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​Ok, thank you.

I have a ticket open, so if possible i would appreciate if you can apply the fix it to my site. I told my members that it would take 3 to 4 days, for the search, smiles, images etc etc to work. I hope i can live with what i said :P

​Yes they'll sort it for you. Also 4.0.7 is scheduled for Tuesday.

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​Yes they'll sort it for you. Also 4.0.7 is scheduled for Tuesday.

​I received now the response to the ticket, saying that it was escalated. The Advanced support don't work at weekend, so its seems i will only have the fix next Monday or Tuesday with 4.0.7.

Apart from the concerning of having the board a bit limited because of this, im a bit worried because when the cron try's to run the background task, it rises one of the cores to 100% till it timeouts. 

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