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Host asks about cron


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My host asks about that task cron. Rough translation:

We recommend that your cron didnt run every minute. In process-list it seems run twice at same time. Easyest way to fix this is set it run every 5 or 10 minutes. Do you know how long that PHP script should run? max_execution_time is set forever now.

Is it okay to set it every 5 minutes?



And about that cron, i get this every day

Locked Tasks

The following tasks appear to be locking frequently: bulkmail.
Please run them manually. If you require assistance with any errors shown please contact technical support.

I also get in the ACP saying some tasks appear to be locking frequently. But not for bulkmail.

It depends what the cron job you're trying to run every minute is pal. If it's related to bulkmail, I would guess it would be fine.

Just means every 5 minutes the cronjob would check for any outstanding bulk mail to send out, instead of every minute. (Correct me if i'm wrong people). #newbieatwork


"When this setting is enabled you MUST ensure that the cron is set up properly, if this setting is turned on but no cron is set up it will cause significant damage to your site.

You should set the cron to run the following command every minute:"


Also make sure there is a max execution time limit, so if it hangs, it will kill the process and don't eat up resources


Also make sure there is a max execution time limit, so if it hangs, it will kill the process and don't eat up resources

 APC -> Advanced conf -> server. It says to put this in to cron. That says every minute and max_execution_time=0 


When this setting is enabled you MUST ensure that the cron is set up properly, if this setting is turned on but no cron is set up it will cause significant damage to your site.

You should set the cron to run the following command every minute:
/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /var/www/vhosts/2/webspace/httpdocs/hoitajat.net/foorumi/applications/core/interface/task/task.php e7db52cc7d6d84c7c9563e


@Owdy tasks won't run twice at same time, for example:

Now your cron job is running sitemap, ok? It will take 5 minutes to index your site.

These 5 minutes, when cron job (every minute) start it will check if task with name sitemap is running (It has a value in database, I saw this when I start to understand IP. Board for an application). After that, another task named archive will run, but sitemap won't run twice at same time.

This is OK because they are two tasks.


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