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Google Locations - Pages


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When adding the Address Field in a database in Pages, it would be great to have some stock options about what address fields are included. For some databases it may be more useful to record the name of the location. ex - Brown County State Park, rather than the street address. It comes up in the Google Locations DB autocomplete, but will not save the name of the location when clicked, just the street address. 

A "county" record would also be a great addition to include for addresses.

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do mind about the maps.googleapis in IPS .. it is fixed to HTTP .. if your site is totally HTTPS it will give a browser conflict .. Firefox blocks it silently if there is a mixed content (HTTP in HTTPS) .. as a result customers will not see anything from the maps.googleapis auto fill function ..

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do mind about the maps.googleapis in IPS .. it is fixed to HTTP .. if your site is totally HTTPS it will give a browser conflict .. Firefox blocks it silently if there is a mixed content (HTTP in HTTPS) .. as a result customers will not see anything from the maps.googleapis auto fill function ..

​i would report this as bug

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