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Make Image Magick Available Throughout the Suite


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Image Magick is currently only used in IP.Gallery, not for attachments uploaded to IP.Board which are resized using GD. GD doesn't support retaining EXIF data which is why it is being removed from thumbnails. Unfortunately it's not currently possible to set IP.Board to use Image Magick but if you'd like to see that option added in a future update please be sure to post in the Community Suite Feedback forums.

This is the response I got to a ticket I raised querying why EXIF data was being stripped from image thumbnails in IP.Board. I'd like to see Image Magick available throughout the entire suite, not just in the gallery.

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Which library did you choose?

I found DOMPDF to be quite nice, to convert HTML to PDF docs

We ultimately went with tcpdf. I cannot recall the specific reasons we chose one over another at this time. Naturally you could include DOMPDF with your own projects if you felt it was better for your purposes.

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