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cant submit support ticket: title too long


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Is the ticket large ? , you could try removing some content if possible. For the moment you could email it in if you preferred:


You should receive an automated reply as far as I am aware, more or less straight away to say it has been received and also as an anti spam measure.

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Actually, you can't email in support questions any more, only sales and billing. Can you indicate exactly how long the title you're trying to enter is? How about the length of the ticket content? Would also help to know which browser you are using.

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Using chrome, never had a problem submitting a ticket before.. i just posted it as a support thread: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/337147-404-errors-where-there-shouldnt-be-404-errors/page__view__findpost__p__2107023__fromsearch__1

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