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Download: (SOS31) Recent Topics

Adriano Faria

Recommended Posts

Guest Danny Michel

i cleaned it up

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<script src="{$this->settings['public_dir']}js/ips.recentTopicsHook.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="{$this->settings['public_dir']}js/ips.forums.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

	ipb.recentTopics.updateInterval = parseInt( {$this->settings['topicosrecentes_updateInterval']} );


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                            <tr class="header">

	                <th class='col_f_icon' scope="col"></th>

	                <th class='col_f_topic' scope="col">{$this->lang->words['forum_topic']}</th>

	                <th class="col_f_starter short" scope="col">Started By</th>

	                <th class='col_f_views stats' scope="col">{$this->lang->words['stats']}</th>

	                <th class='col_f_post' scope="col">{$this->lang->words['forum_last_post_info']}</th>


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										<span>{$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( $r['topico']['views'] )} {$this->lang->words['views']}</span>




				            <td {$class} width='18%'><ul  class="last_post">

<li><a href='{parse url="showtopic={$r['topico']['tid']}&amp;view=getlastpost" base="public" template="showtopic" seotitle="{$r['topico']['title_seo']}"}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_last_post']}'>{parse replacement="f_lastpost"}</a> <a href='{parse url="showtopic={$r['topico']['tid']}&amp;view=getlastpost" base="public" template="showtopic" seotitle="{$r['topico']['title_seo']}"}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_last_post']}'>{parse date="$r['topico']['last_post']" format="short"}</a></li><li>{$this->lang->words['forum_by']} <address class="author vcard">{IPSLib::makeProfileLink(IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( $r['topico']['last_poster_name'], $r['topico']['grupo2']), $r['topico']['last_poster_id'])}{parse template="user_popup" group="global" params="$r['topico']['last_poster_id'], $r['topico']['nome2']"}</address></li>








  • Replies 149
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This option in user control panel will appear for those who can view the block in board index and this is you as admin who set in Admin CP.

If you disallow MEMBERS to use the hook, those settings won't appear in Control Panel for users of MEMBERS groups.

ok thanks

for the members who can choose how many topics will be displayed i just wanted a limit on the maximuim amount they can choose or it could be
abused by having to many topics showing.
as example a member could pick to have 20 topics showing and impact the server if i have 500 members do the same.

Edit User Control Panel -> recent_topics template and you'll see the options from 1 to 10 in a select.

You can leave the values you want.

thats great
thank you for your time, most appreciated

I'll give it a try.

Well, this is what really makes this hook so nice, but I can make it as a setting (default value: ON)... so you'll can disable it.

Anyway, have you tried to use a higher number of seconds (45s, 1min, etc.) ?

I tried 90, but it refreshes when the page loads, and it's a massive load. Every select query execution time is > 5 secs. It gives hardons on my i7 12gb ram machine.

Is there anyway that this hook can be hidden from members of less than 1 post.
Im trying to get new members to post their introductions before they view the rest of the board.
So far I have achieved this but this mod is enabling them to gain access to other areas.


Is there anyway that this hook can be hidden from members of less than 1 post.

Im trying to get new members to post their introductions before they view the rest of the board.

So far I have achieved this but this mod is enabling them to gain access to other areas.

you can do that by using the hooks group settings in acp
if you have your groups setup correctly thats is

I don't think so. If he choose MEMBERS, will show the block for members with 0, 100, 1000000000 (etc.) posts. He doesn't want to show for users with 0 POSTS.

You need a small change in the script but I don't see this as a nice feature to change the hook and release a new version, so I can make it as a custom job.


I don't think so. If he choose MEMBERS, will show the block for members with 0, 100, 1000000000 (etc.) posts. He doesn't want to show for users with 0 POSTS.

You need a small change in the script but I don't see this as a nice feature to change the hook and release a new version, so I can make it as a custom job.

You have it in One. :thumbsup:

I don't think so. If he choose MEMBERS, will show the block for members with 0, 100, 1000000000 (etc.) posts. He doesn't want to show for users with 0 POSTS.

Bit late now but.......

got mine setup ok for what he wants, just the same setup as not allowing guests to see recent topics or posts.

Just an example:

setup group "members" in members user groups
set Promote members of this group to: full members after 1 post

create another user group "full members"

not forgetting to setup the user permissions for both groups

in recent topics hook options

Select here the user groups that will can see the list - DO NOT INCLUDE MEMBERS

The recent topics will only show only when they have posted one post and been moved to the new user group.

job done
Guest Danny Michel

i dunno if it's because i have edited it, but you can't use the minimize button on this, can you? %7Boption%7D

Guest Danny Michel


does it work for you?
  • 3 weeks later...

When I went from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2, I get this issue. As a guest, everything functions perfectly. When logged in as a member, admin, mod, etc the "loading" stays at the top of the page indefinitely. It never goes away and the topics do not ever refresh. What have I done wrong and what can I do to fix it?


Nothing was changed in JS file. Anyway, go to your Control Panel -> Forums -> Recent Topics and uncheck the checkbox to show the block in index. Save. Then you check it again and save it.


Thanks for the reply. I think that showed the glitch. UserCP > Forums > Recent Topics shows the the same options as "board preferences". Screen shot attached so you can see it.

Site url: http://www.eCrack.net/forums


Yeah I know it's supposed to look like that. It just doesn't for some reason and I don't know why.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled 2.1.2 at least 3 times since I began posting here. Clearing the cache etc does not help. Do you have any suggestions?


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