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Notification Enhancement


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I think it would be nice if you click your messenger not only are the proper rows in that table updated, but also notifications be updated as read also where if any of your notifications were PM messages they aren't included in the number anymore once you've been in your messenger. As it is now you must click both numbers to get them reset to zero.


I just hate really clicking on messages link to be presented with a notification popup. I'm already in the messages and can see what's new. I think when entering the messages area that no popups are presented. When I'm in a rush, they get in the way when trying to view the message list right away. They should only appear in all other sections and not the message section.

Also, it would be nice to see the name of the person we are replying to on messages. Unless you are quoting them is the only indication. I and my members have complained of accidentally messaging the wrong persons when replying to messages. Just some kind of confirm above the post box like the last post by them sorta like the forums when you reply you can see other posts previous... I don't think all that's necessary but in the least something like "You are replying to CaptainNumNuts"

I don't know if this is possible as I haven't fully explored it yet, but is it possible to combine "My Conversations" with the "New Messages" ? My newbies are driving me nuts cause they click on "messages" from the menu and don't see the old convo so they click compose a new. Logic to me suggests that link should show all convos considering there is already a popup bubble that displays the count of new messages if any existing that will filter them when clicked on, so why have both links act the same?The one in the drop menu imo would be more productive to display and act as the "My conversations" link. That way you can view all new and old. If you want to see new then just click on that tooltip alert that displays the count of new ones.


China j, I thought they already don't popup when you're in messenger. They didn't in 2.x... Maybe they did starting with 3.x and I just didn't have it happen yet.

But see the problem with that in 2.x was I would then sometimes not notice I had new messages when I was happening to get them while I was in messenger.


It happens when you are idle, I know for sure. Every time I get a email alert of a new message, i then view the tab of my site still open and click messages... I get the popup right over the message list blocking my view of new messages. For example, I "CaptainNumNuts" pm''d me last but I do know that Becky has sent me a important message too... Well I have to close the popup from the person I wish not to respond to yet just to see the list of new pms. This is happening in the latest version of IPB and even happens on this site too.


lol as far as the message covering things that's another good reason for them to add back in the drag technology where it can always be placed somewhere else. Well ok that may not solve too much, but I want it back.

Hmm well maybe they could do a check to see if you're in messenger and if so then not show the popup, but still show the popup once you do leave the page. in other words don't refrain from ever showing it, but somehow wait until you're on another page.


The problem is, you guys are still associating the popup as a PM notification, and that's not the case anymore. You could be getting a notification that "CaptainNumNuts" just quoted a post you made, for instance.


yeah, but not if you have the checkboxes and mark it to only pop up for private messages. And as far as my original post in this topic I was saying just lwoer the count by numbe rof private emssages read when going into the emssenger, not reset the whole total to 0 for ntoifications.


What about a field in the notification that links to the PM ID No.?

Then when the PM is read (viewed) the notice with matching ID can be marked as read too.

Just a thought.

Shaun :D


That would work for pm's.....but you can be notified about much much more than PMs (as per my last reply ;) ). What about a tracker issue? What about Gallery images or comments? A single ID column wouldn't work because we wouldn't know if it's an image id or a comment id. There's a bit more to consider here.


I was only thinking in terms of PMs. The column would just be for PMs and would mark the notices read for PMs only - basically because that's the main source of notifications I imagine most people would get.

I realise that's sort of tunnel-vision, but even if it only marked PM notices as read it would be an improvement, as at the moment you still have the notice hanging around after you've read the PM. It just doesn't seem logical.

I'm not knocking it BTW - I like the idea of you considering all sorts of notices and building a system to cover a whole gamut of stuff - but in relation to PMs it would be very quick and easy to build-in a notice/PM link and read marking.

I'm waffling, sorry, I'll step back and see what other people think.

Shaun :D


While it indeed wouldn't be impossible to do that, as you said it's tunnel vision. We like to look at the bigger picture and do things right the first time, whenever possible. Of course, sometimes things need to get out in the wild to gather feedback (i.e., notifications can definitely continue to improve from their current state - however exactly what improvements were needed was impossible to tell until people really started using the system), but if we know that issue 'x' will exist doing something one way, we'd prefer to do it a different way to alleviate that problem from the start.


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