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going to first unread blog comment


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Not sure if the sidebar box on the forums is a part of blogs or a part of IPB 3.1, but is it possible that the new post/comment indicatior %7Boption%7D could go to the first unread comment rather than the top of the blog.

It works fine within the blog software itself, but not from the box on the forums.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before.



I think this would be blog feedback/bug item. If you look at the link associated with the marker, part of the URL refers to showing new comments.

So to me, that would fall on IP.Blog to handle and decide what to do.


No idea, as it appears on the forum - the version within the blogs works fine.

Hopefully someone can add this feature or fix the bug if it is one :)


I'm going to go with it being a flaw in IP.Blog. After all, both links are the same as far as page__show__newcomment, but it's refusing to work for links not click within the blog app.


It was a bug in Blog, but I believe it's now fixed. Clicking the orange icon next to a blog entry from the board index should now take you to the first unread comment if I'm not mistaken. Test it here - will be fixed in next release.


Thanks - not working here at the moment from the forums, have just tried it.

Worked for me. Try doing a hard refresh and see if that helps somehow.

I am running under Cleancut on Chrome, but can't see why that should make a difference.

Will do a hard refresh - thanks.


Thanks - have reported it in the tracker - http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-22057-go-to-first-unread-blog-postcomment/


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