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Download: Chameleon [ipbforumskins.com]


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File Name: Chameleon [ipbforumskins.com]
File Submitter: ehren.
File Submitted: 29 Mar 2010
File Category: Light Skins

Chameleon [www.ipbforumskins.com]

The chameleon skin is a modern, semi-transparent design that allows you to quickly and easily change the theme of the design by swapping the background image with your own. The skin utilizes numerous hover effects on the primary navigation, secondary navigation and forum rows - has individual icons for each category - and has modified layouts for the board index, forum index, topic page and profile page.

The breadcrumb bar (seen at the bottom of the preview images) is actually a fixed element (much like the facebook chat bar), but was moved to the bottom for the purpose of the image preview.

Alternate backgrounds: The theme of the chameleon skin can be changed instantly by modifying the background of the design. Some examples are below (these backgrounds are not included with the skin for copyright/distribution reasons and are only used for demo purposes).

Background 1
Background 2
Background 3
Background 4

The skin is compatible with the latest versions of IP.Board, Gallery, Blogs and Downloads manager - and has been tested in Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera.

Click here to download this file

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