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New Posts Link?


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Is it possible to add a 'New Posts' link to all pages as the site of 'View New Content'?

That is a link similar to new content, but one that always goes to the new posts/forums tab in new content instead of new content default which is referential to the area one is in?


Cheers, I'm noe sure if it would be as simple as adding:


Into a link?


I had a similar question and created a ticket about it awhile back:

                        <li><a href='{parse url="app=core&amp;module=search&amp;do=<if test="ncmember:|:$this->memberData['member_id']">new_posts<else />active</if>&amp;search_filter_app[<if test="viewnewcontentapp:|:$this->registry->getCurrentApplication() != 'core' AND IPSSearchIndex::appIsSearchable( $this->registry->getCurrentApplication() )">{$this->registry->getCurrentApplication()}<else />forums</if>]=1" base="public"}' accesskey='2'>{$this->lang->words['view_new_posts']}</a></li>


                        <li><a href='{parse url="app=core&amp;module=search&amp;do=<if test="ncmember:|:$this->memberData['member_id']">new_posts<else />active</if>&amp;search_filter_app[forums]=1" base="public"}' accesskey='2'>{$this->lang->words['view_new_posts']}</a></li>

And that will do what you want.

IPS Support

It's not a "New Posts" link, but it does link to the new posts regardless of what section you're in.

I had a similar question and created a ticket about it awhile back:

It's not a "New Posts" link, but it does link to the new posts regardless of what section you're in.

Can I see that on a forum somewhere as a guest? Or a screen shot? I'm incredibly interested.

I had a similar question and created a ticket about it awhile back:

It's not a "New Posts" link, but it does link to the new posts regardless of what section you're in.

Grin, thanks for that :) I worked out the self same thing myself yesterday afternoon, still not as good as in vB but it works!

If I'm understanding you right, then what you need can be done with a simple skin edit, in 3.1 the link would be something like:


  • 2 months later...

I had a similar question and created a ticket about it awhile back:

It's not a "New Posts" link, but it does link to the new posts regardless of what section you're in.

Any ideas as to how to change this on 3.1?

<li><a href='{parse url="app=core&module=search&do=<if test="ncmember:|:$this->memberData['member_id']">new_posts<else />active</if>&search_filter_app[forums]=1" base="public"}' accesskey='2'>{$this->lang->words['view_new_posts']}</a></li>

Will still work.

1. Find

<li><a href='{parse url="app=core&amp;module=search&amp;do=<if test="ncmember:|:$this->memberData['member_id']">new_posts

2. Follow it through the end until you see </li>

3. Replace it with what I quoted above.


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