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Looking for API

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I am experienced web programmer and quite new to IPB. As I have to modify some conversion scripts and develop some custom applications, I need API. Where can I get it?

My actual question is, how to temporary change sql_tbl_prefix in the script?

I need to change the sql_tbl_prefix only once while conversion to get data from the tables with another prefix. I do not need new DB connection, as there is the same DB, but just another table prefix. Once I've got the data I will reset the prefix back to default.

I would not post this question here, if I had API :)

Thank you,

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My actual question is, how to temporary change sql_tbl_prefix in the script?

I have it:
$prefix = ipsRegistry::DB('mykey')->obj;
ipsRegistry::DB('mykey')->obj = '';
// here comes the sql query with another prefix
ipsRegistry::DB('mykey')->obj = $prefix;

However, I am still interested in getting API :rolleyes:
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[quote name='stoo2000' date='08 October 2009 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1255027035' post='1864729']
Have you looked at the Developer Documentation in the Customer Resources section? (link at the top of the page)

Hello stoo200,

I am not sure what you mean. I have found this link http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/official.html?category=57 But this is not an API. There are only some examples for copy-paste :(

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[quote name='stoo2000' date='09 October 2009 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1255086834' post='1864911']
There is no 'API' as such, the way IP.Board is designed you can easily call their objects & methods...

developer docs: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/articles.html?category=29

Thank you! This link looks better that the one I have posted.

You are right. I have started to customize IPB yesterday and found the code mostly logical. I am a bit "API addicted" :) and this way to work is new for me. I will do my best.

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