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Download: (T30) Display Members Browser 1.0.1


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File Name: (T30) Display Members Browser 1.0.1
File Submitter: teraßyte
File Submitted: 09 Jun 2009
File Updated: 14 Jun 2010
File Category: Modifications

Resource Type: Modification
Version: 1.0.1 (10001)
Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0.5

This mod allow selected groups to see which browser an active user is using to navigate the board.


[*]Select which groups are allowed to view the browser image [*]Option to display the image before or after the member name [*]4 different switches to enable the mod only in certain areas

[*]Enable / Disable the mod globally

[*]Online Users List [*]Active Users in Forum View [*]Active Users in Topic View

Supported Browsers:

[*]Active Users in Board Index

[*]For your own browser images to be displayed properly you need to use a PNG image and the name needs to be written in the following way: user_agent_key_setup_in_acp.png.

Changes from 0.9.0 to 1.0.0:

[*]This mod by default supports all the included browsers in IP.Board, if you have added more browsers (User Agents) but the images are missing you will need to upload your own images inside the folder public/style_extra/tb_dmb/.

[*]Modified the hook to not add a useless placeholder file like in the old version (requires IP.Board 3.0.5!)

Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1:

[*]Fixed the instruction for the edit in online.php that has changed since IP.Board 3.0.4

Click here to download this file

[*]Added a small change to prevent a fatal error when using the "Active Users" plugin in IP.Content

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  • 2 months later...

[quote name='Wilford Tibbetts' date='14 December 2009 - 04:09 AM' timestamp='1260760143' post='1888144']Doesn't seem to work with IPBv3.0.5. I have uninstalled it and installed it again and it still brings up an error when you click "Last Click". Do you have any suggestions to solve the problem? My members like this Mod very much, and we would like to keep it.


Wilford Tibbetts
I'm not aware of any change in 3.0.5 that might break this mod but I'll have a look :)

[quote name='Adam C' date='14 December 2009 - 07:27 PM' timestamp='1260815249' post='1888338']Just curious if the user is using a proxy would that effect the outcome?
Example. If they were using a web proxy on Firefox it would still it would show as Firefox or like a un-readable browser or something?
Unless the proxy changes the user agent you will still see firefox.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Version 1.0.1 released!
Updated the mod to fix a bug in the ACP when using the active users block for IP.Content, to update the modification to this new version re-import the xml file of the hook and re-upload the files from the new package overwriting the old ones.

If you are already using IP.Board 3.1 wait for the new version of the mod which will be released in the next minutes ;)

EDIT: 3.1 version can be found here: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/313444-download-t31-display-members-browser-200/ :thumbsup:

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  • 1 year later...


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