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Couple of Suggestions


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I'd like to say a couple of things. I actually tried CleanCut today and I really like it.. Nice pick guys. However, I don't really like the mini-profile on topic view. It has a 1px horizontal gray line after every line such as Group, Posts, etc.. I really dislike that.

Also, for Facebook Connect, I would like to suggest the following. Once you sign up with Facebook connect, ask you for a different display name. I know personally I don't want to have my full name displayed and I know many of my members don't either.

Finally, any chance that the switch between RTE and the oldschool editor be implemented in 3.0.2?


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Where did you get cleancut? Or do you mean on here?

I'd like it if Facebook could be set to only be linkable but not used for registering a new account.

It's been discussed about the STD/RTE switcher while in the middle of making a post and that it'd be rather difficult (at this time).

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I got cleancut from the new client area's download manager for cool customers only. Just kidding, talking about here. :P
Facebook connect already allows you to link existing accounts.. Go to the register page, click on the connect with Facebook button and it's self explanatory from there.
I really want the STD/RTE switch :(..

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[quote name='IP.iBaLLiN' date='05 August 2009 - 09:49 AM' timestamp='1249480147' post='1838523']
I got cleancut from the new client area's download manager for cool customers only.

How do YOU know about the "Cool Customers Only" client area?!? :o

[quote name='IP.iBaLLiN' date='05 August 2009 - 09:49 AM' timestamp='1249480147' post='1838523']
Facebook connect already allows you to link existing accounts..

I know that, but I'm saying to prevent new registrations using it. ie, can link and log-in with it, but not create a new account with it. Last time I checked (and I'll have to check again if it's been changed), it gives you some sort of a proxy email address. I don't like that, so would prefer to allow members to be able to sign in with it but not register.

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What if they close out their facebook account but their actual email address is still valid? If I have their facebook proxy address, then that doesn't do much good for me (or them if they forget their password).

Just would like to be able to limit facebook connect to being linkable/loginable but not registerable.

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